Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my favorite photography websites

So today I thought Id make my blog maybe some what useful and post a list of some of my favorite photography websites that I have found. Maybe you know them and this is old news to you maybe you dont and you will find something interesting or maybe you wont even check them out. Either way here they are.

http://www.flickr.com/ : its a pretty common one alot of people are probably already on this site, but its a real nice site for uploading pictures, but I mostly like the different groups that I can join. I am in some of the canon groups (as thats is what I have a canon), they do have nikon groups though and im sure all the other camera makers have groups as well. Another good group is the scavenger hunt 101 group its challenges you to take pics of a 101 different things for a list, it is very fun.
http://www.photographycorner.com/ : has a nice message board and alot of nice tips and tricks articles from onlocation senior portraits to how to calculate filter factors and etc. I found all the articles I have read so far to be very helpful.
http://www.pcphotomag.com/ : I basically like it for the articles, on the site Im cheap and have yet to actually order the magazine.
http://cameradojo.com/ : Really good for product reviews, articles on fake memory cards, and some good tutorials. Mostly aimed and DSLRs though, which is fine with me but may not be for some people.
http://photography-business-tips.com/ : Again more arcticles I love reading anything I can. Theres some good ones on making your own photography web sites.
http://www.virtualphotographystudio.com/ : Another one mostly about the business of photography and although I am not there yet its nice to read about. Theres equipent lists, and articles on how to get clients, etc.
http://www.cameratown.com/ : I go here for the videos. The have some good ones on setting up a studio and some good ones on lights.
http://www.52clix.com/ : This is one I recently joined. I like it so far although its either new or not many people have heard about it. As there is not many people on it yet or atleast not many people adding in photos. It is a fun site where weekly they give you assignments of things to take pics of and add to the group they call it a clix. Then the next week they vote on it. This is my first week with pics in the groups to be voted on so ill let you know how it goes next week.
http://www.jpgmag.com/ : This WAS a great site, I say was due to the fact they sent out emails stating they were closing the site down supposed have been monday, but it is still up and running and there is talk about it being sold to some one else. I am keeping my fingers crossed as I did love this site. For those of you that dont know what jpg is its a photo magazine that on the site they had themes and you could add you pics into the themes and then they were voted on and your pics could get published. I have yet to be published but havent been on the site for to long.

I realize that list became longer due to all my going on about the sites. Sorry to all those who are actually going to read this. I just love to learn and thought Id share some of my best sites with everyone. I am also very open to any new sites so if anyone knows of any leave me a coment and id love to check them out as well.

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