Monday, January 5, 2009

I guess just a little of everything to start

This is my first time doing a blog so hope it all goes well. Ill start off by saying I am starting this because I am very much into photograpy and it seems every other photographer I know has a blog so why not me.
So for starters I think ill start by telling you why I decided to get into photography in the first place. The end of April 2008 my little brother passed away in a car accident. I miss him very much as does everyone else who knew him. He was the greatest little brother anyone could ever ask for. And thats exactly where my journey into photography started which kinda sucks cuz I would so much rather have him back.
Anyways now you have the background of it all. So my parents decided to get my sister a car and to drove with her and my dad to look at one which none of us ended up liking but we drove over two hours there so half way home we stopped to eat and we were talking and for some reason we started talking about photography and dont jump to conclusions now about what im about to say cuz Im gonna admit I was way wrong but I said If I could get a nice expensive camera I could be a photographer. I was wrong! So please those photographers out there dont yell at me. But dad and my mom later bought me a new camera, with some of the money my brother left to them. I picked it out my self a Canon Rebel Xsi (450D) which ever you want to call it. I have since signed up for photography classes at NYIP (New York Institute of Photograpy), and have checked out numerous photography sites daily. Because I am serious I do want to do this and its one thing that can come out of me losing my brother that can make me better myself as things have been going so much better for me since I have found something I truly enjoy.
So I guess thats about it for now. Thats how this all got started and Im hoping to make something out of it.

1 comment:

*Lissa* said...

Best of luck to you! I just started NYIP this past fall as well... so far have only submitted Unit 1. ;o)